The goal of Live Vertical Fit would be for our youth to understand that through ALL THINGS, even exercise, Christ plays a role.  Physical activity is something that is very personal and is interpreted as a way of ‘self-improvement’. Live Vertical Fit want to change the norm and improve minds to where God is in control of all things in your son’s life and God wants him to be healthy, be of right mind and help others. Learning Christ-like characteristics and dependence is at the heart of the program.

Live Vertical Fit always encourages growth in your local church but some of the sayings like ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ or ‘Live like Jesus’ or ‘Be salt and light’, are things we seem to say at church or around those church friends. These are actionable sayings that are trying to get us to understand how we should live day to day.  We go to church, Sunday school, youth group and give good ‘churchy’ answers when we are at church, but what happens when we step out of church? 

What role is Scripture playing in your son’s life? 

Are you finding that their habits do not revolve around Christ-centered thoughts/actions? 

Live Vertical Fit provides a unique way of combining the habits of exercise and spiritual disciplines, almost hiding some of the basic habits we want to always encourage in our son’s life. Christian parents want their boys to learn Scripture and be in the Word. The Live Vertical Fit program, before or after their fitness routine, they follow the prompts to read their scripture. Each week they are given the opportunity to dive a little deeper and meditate on scripture and answer some thought-provoking questions. Topics will be consistent across all age groups, yet will have different points of emphasis per topic to help deepen their faith and challenge them spiritually. There are so many topics in the Bible to choose from; therefore, Live Vertical Fit has prayed about each topic to present. If your son participates through the entire age division, they could cover up to 18 different Biblical topics. We all know that reviewing the same topic as you age does not get redundant, but actually can get very focused, which is why what changes for each division are the weekly questions/comments. Can you imagine what it will be like when you cover the armor of God with your ten year old, then reviewing again at seventeen and witnessing the transformation of your son’s mind and outlook of Christ for his future?