How much influence are you having on your son’s physical and spiritual habits?

Fathers are given the unique experience to teach, show, direct and love your son(s). Maybe you rely on your church, maybe not, but most of your son’s time is spent with other people teaching him. Live Vertical Fit doesn’t view that as bad, but where does your experience fit in with their habits? Is taking them to church and potentially other Christian activities enough? Is their response to you asking what they did in church of ‘nothing’ or ‘it was good’, enough for you? Is it enough for them?  When you ‘work’ on your Godly relationship at a men’s retreat or lifegroup, are you truly taking those tools and growing with your son?

Live Vertical Fit’s mission is to help bridge the gap for fathers and sons to thrive everyday. The program provides a unique way for you to truly work on your relationship with your son.  Sharing and encouraging him everyday in spiritual and physical activity habits. Be engaged with him and work on those skills together to really experience a full life. Sons need their dads more than ever with the constant state of the world trying to win their hearts, and evil is doing a darn good job of trying their hardest to win them all. We have to do better for our sons. Teach them, spend time with them, fight for them and show them how to live manly, Godly lives. 

  • Father-Son Testimonial

    Listen to this father and son talk about how Live Vertical Fit is helping them in their everyday lives - spiritually, physically, and relationally.