S.W.E.A.T. Program Specifics

How Your Son Interacts With The Program

  • Convenient app-based access for all content - both Apple and Android compatible
  • Add app to as many devices that the father and son have access to.
  • Enable app to send daily notifications.

Physical Activity Details

  • Complete workouts at your preferred location and at your own convenience
  • Easy to follow along videos for learning quality exercise techniques
  • Exercise routines are on average 25-30 minutes
  • Structured, age-appropriate exercise programs
  • Circuit-based routines for increasing muscle and cardiovascular endurance, plus great warm-up activities.
  • Participants can move at their own pace. For beginners, move slow and work on techniques. For advanced, move at a faster pace for increase cardio experience.

Spiritual Structure

  • Notifications for daily scripture readings
  • Topical prayer sessions
  • 'Deeper Thinking' devotionals to stimulate critical thinking
  • Galvanize father-son relationships through prayer & deep discussions