Please consider these questions when making the decision to sign up your son for the Live Vertical Fit S.W.E.A.T. Program. 

According to the CDC website, only 24% of children 6-17 years of age participate in 60 minutes of physical activity everyday. Plus, physical activity participation and opportunities seemingly decrease as youth get older. This means that there is a need for programs that encourage movement-based activities to get our youth fit! 

Does your son spend at least 60 minutes a day doing physical activity? 
If that is a ‘YES’, then awesome! Their bodies are moving and staying in good health. However, realize that is the minimum guideline of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Therefore your son’s goals actually need more activity or specialized training.

Optimal health requires more guidelines in order to address more specific movements. Do they exercise at least 30 minutes, three times a week, utilizing exercises that are muscle and bone building? 
Again, if you are a ‘YES’,that is great news! But please continue reading below about our program as it also includes daily spiritual disciplines you may be interested in for your son’s spiritual journey. This can easily be done with whatever sport or physical activity he is part of for just a few minutes a day.

If you answered ‘NO’ to both questions, we urge you to consider the Live Vertical Fit S.W.E.A.T program that includes both physical activity AND spiritual discipline habits. 

With physical activity being a key component of Live Vertical Fit, our S.W.E.A.T program offers an easy to implement exercise option, for adolescents aged 9-17 years. This program helps reduce the continued decline in the previously mentioned statistics. By utilizing proper, science-based exercise parameters for youth, the Live Vertical Fit program provides gradual exercise and intensity progressions as your son ages. This app-based program is full of age-division specific routines that positively stress a youth’s growing body in the areas of strength, endurance, balance and flexibility while utilizing affordable and accessible equipment. The exercise routines are primarily built for your son, but a part of Live Vertical Fit’s mission is to increase the bond between father & sons, thus we encourage father participation. We highly encourage dads to be there during workouts if possible. If unable, dads could check in with their son about their exercise effort, if they had fun, and if they feel they are getting better. A son is always looking for their dad’s encouragement and affirmation of their performance for their overall development. As a bonus, it gives you time together, some things may limit this, so use this as a good excuse to be involved in their lives, fully and eternally.